Home > The Museum > The Lord of the Rings > Strider

The Lord of the Rings

Original price: USD $74.99
Open edition
Scale: ?
Dimensions: 13.5 x 11 x 10.5 cm (HxWxD)
Weight: 0.8 kg
Materials: Polystone
Pre-order: May 4, 2012
Released: October 2012
Sculptors: Steven Saunders

When Frodo and his party discover Gandalf is not at Bree to meet them as arranged, their plan to ferry the Ring out of the Shire to safety seems doomed. Five Ringwraiths now dog their trail, but even as the forces of darkness close in about them there is hope.

Watching over them from the shadows is Strider, a grim yet noble Ranger, wanderer and swordsman, and friend to Gandalf the Grey. Under his guidance and protection, the Hobbits are led by secret ways to the scarred hill of Weathertop, where he proves the manner of his mettle, standing fearlessly between Frodo and his five terrifying pursuers.

Created by the same artists and craftspeople who work on our movies, Strider is the third character in our range of miniature figures. Each of which exist in two versions - the other version is exclusively available in person at our Weta Cave store in Wellington, New Zealand.

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