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The Lord of the Rings

Original price: USD $74.99
Open edition
Scale: ?
Dimensions: 13 x 13 x 11 cm (HxWxD)
Weight: 0.39 kg
Materials: Polystone
Pre-order: August 6, 2013
Released: November 2013
Sculptors: Steven Saunders

Daughter of the Elf Lord Elrond of Rivendell, Arwen Undómiel was among the most beautiful of the High Elves of her Age. Though as an immortal Elf she was many centuries his senior, Arwen’s heart belonged to Aragorn, a mortal man and ward of Elrond who dwelt in Rivendell under the tutelage of the Elves and was fated to some day reclaim the lost throne of Gondor.

This love was no easy thing to bear in the time of the War of the Ring, when the time of the Elves was waning and her people were leaving Middle-earth for the Undying Lands. As a mortal, that way to the uttermost west was barred to Aragorn, leaving Arwen to choose between her family and people, and the man whom she loved.

For the sake of her affection, Arwen chose a mortal life, and in so doing bound her own life to the fate of the Ring. She would wed Aragorn as a mortal woman in the event his unlikely triumph, or fade into darkness beneath the shadow of Sauron’s dominion. Arwen on her chaise, reading a book was sculpted by Steven Saunders to an amazing likeness of actress Liv Tyler who portrayed Arwen in The Lord of the Rings.

Created by the same artists and craftspeople who work on our movies, Arwen is the fourth character in our range of miniature figures from The Lord of the Rings, each of which exists in two versions - the other version is exclusively available in person at our Weta Cave store in Wellington, New Zealand.

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