Home > The Museum > The Lord of the Rings > Rohan wax seal pendant

The Lord of the Rings

Original price: USD $19.99
Open edition
Dimensions: - cm (HxWxD)
Weight: -
Materials: Metal
Pre-order: July 2018
Released: August 2018
Sold out: 2023
Artist: RockLove

To the west of Gondor lies the land of Rohan, home of the Horselords. Known as the Rohirrim, the leaping stallion represents these greatest allies of Gondor.

Having fallen under the corrupting influence of the Dark Lord Sauron, the Wizard Saruman sends forth a great army of iron-clad Uruk-hai to wipe out the nation of Rohan. King Théoden leads his people to seek shelter within the fortress of Helm’s Deep, but he is unprepared for the sheer size of the Saruman’s legions.

In their darkest hour, Aragorn distinguishes himself as the great leader of men he is destined to become. He inspires the men at his side to mount one final stand and convinces Théoden to lead the charge of his cavalry not for death and glory. But for the city and his people.

The stallion of Rohirrim is stamped into the silver-plated brass pendant, and bears words spoken at the Battle of Helm’s Deep: "For death and glory. For Rohan!"


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