Dr. Grordbort's
Original price: USD -
Scale: ?
Dimensions: -
Weight: -
Materials: Polystone or metal
Previewed: July 2009
Released: Unreleased
Designer: Greg Broadmore
Sculptor: David Tremont 
Every now and again, in the few quiet moments at the end of a long day, Weta staff sit back and fantasise about the things they'd really love to make. Regularly topping that list is a full-scale version of the Moonhater Death Ray, first seen in Dr. Grordbort's Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory, all 54 tonnes of its moon-hatingness.
That particularly ambitious undertaking may be some time coming to fruition, but the super-detailed miniature version was crafted by David Tremont and shown at Comic Con in 2009. Weta explored options for launching this piece as a polystone model in colour or as a cast metal model with a metallic finish.
The Moonhater Death Ray remain unreleased.