Home > The Museum > The Planet of the Apes > Statue of Liberty t-shirt

The Planet of the Apes

Original price: USD $29.99
Open edition
Materials: 100% cotton
Colour: Black
Released: 2018
Sculptor: -

With Planet of the Apes came the discovery of a distant planet where apes dominated humankind. Weta Workshop is proud to launch its own exclusive collectibles, celebrating 50 years of this iconic sci-fi franchise.

The novel of French author Pierre Boulle lay the foundation for the Planet of the Apes. The success of the franchise has spanned five decades and nine films, starting with the 1968 critically acclaimed classic. This original T-shirt design is inspired by the haunting ending of the 1968 classic Planet of the Apes, where astronaut George Taylor discovers the shattered remains of the Statue of Liberty and realises the secret of mankind's past.

Black T-shirt with a colour print celebrating 50 years of Planet of the Apes. The Weta Workshop logo features on the bottom of the T-shirt.


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