Home > The Museum > The Lord of the Rings > Grishnįkh

The Lord of the Rings

Original price: USD $399
Limited edition of 500
Scale: 1/6
Dimensions: 34 x 25 x 12 cm (HxWxD)
Weight: 3.6 kg
Materials: Polystone
Pre-order: November 8, 2018
Released: April 2019
Sculptor: Jamie Beswarick

A particularly cruel and conniving Orc, Grishnįkh was the leader of a small troop sent to meet up with Uglśk’s Uruk-hai scouts. Suspicious and greedy, Grishnįkh was curious about the Wizard Saruman’s plans for the captive Hobbits Merry and Pippin.

Though his followers were concerned with little other than their grumbling stomachs, the seed of some greater purpose had taken hold in Grishnįkh’s mind. When the troop was attacked upon the eaves of Fangorn Forest by Rohirrim horsemen, the scheming Orc sought to use the cover of battle to sneak away with Uglśk’s charges.

Even impaled by a spear, Grishnįkh’s ambitions were undaunted. Bent-backed and bow-legged, with black blood seeping from his gruesome wound, he pursued the Hobbits into the twisted woodland intent on murdering them and taking whatever prize they carried for himself.

Grishnįkh is brought to you by master sculptor Jamie Beswarick, an accomplished artist who is one of Weta Workshop's longest-serving crew members, being part of the original Lord of the Rings crew. Grishnįkh stands complete in 1:6 scale: weapon raised above his captives, moments before he met his death.


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