Home > The Museum > The Lord of the Rings > Rohirrim Royal Guard's shield

The Lord of the Rings

Original price: USD $39
Open edition
Scale: ?
Dimensions stand: 11 x 6.5 x 4 cm (HxWxD)
Dimensions shield: 6.5 x 6.5 cm (HxW)
Weight: 0.17 kg
Materials: Polystone, metal
Pre-order: October 29, 2010
Released: February 2011
Sculptors: David Tremont

As the protectors of the Golden Hall of Edoras, the Royal Guards of Rohan were issued with regal uniforms of scale and plate as well as richly endowed weapons and shields. The green colour drawn from the steppe and plains that make up the vast domain of the Rohirrim.

While the Rohirrim plainsmen bore their own unique weaponry and armour in battle, the royal guardsmen of Edoras stood in the livery of their king and shining mail. A sword or spear in one hand they bore a wide round shield in the other, its wooden face clad in green leather and emblazoned with the etched crest of Rohan, a rayed golden Sun.

This is an exact miniature version of the actual prop Weta made for The Lord Of The Rings, made by the same artists and craftsmen who made the original.

Made from metal, these shields have a pin on the back and can be worn as a badge or be displayed on the magnetised polystone stand.


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