Dr. Grordbort's
Original price: USD $30
Limited edition of 200
Dimensions: 29.7 x 42 cm (HxW)
Materials: Paper
Released: January 2008
Artist: Greg Broadmore 
These prints have a soft matt finish and are suitable for framing. Learn the secrets of Dr Grordbort! See inside the Saturn 17 Liminiferous Aether Exciter and learn which parts were hand whittled by little old ladies and which polarise Aether particles into a negatively inverted phase reversal. Assuming these aren't one and the same. This cut-away diagram of the Saturn 17 reveals all of the previously top-secret dodads and phlanges that set the Doctor's Aether oscillators apart from all others. These limited edition prints showcase some of Rayguns Designer Greg Broadmore's related artwork.