Borderlands 3
Original price: USD $119.99
Open edition
Scale: approx. 1/8
Dimensions: 21.5 x 20.5 x 18.5 cm (HxWxD)
Weight: ?
Materials: Vinyl
Pre-order: September 10, 2019
January 2020
Sold out: March 2022
Sculptor: Yorke Yu 
Gifted with powerful Siren abilities, Amara is a renowned champion of the people and a bonafide badass. She began experiencing her siren powers at an early age and earned her black belt in Electric Karate years ago. With ethereal fists she can deal damage to anyone and everything in her path.
"Characters are precious to us at Gearbox. We put a lot of love, sweat, and tears into making them special. It’s awesome to have a partner in Weta Workshop who treasures them as much as we do!"
Randy Varnell – Narrative Director, Borderlands 3