"A darkness most profound, darker than the uttermost black, is that to which the evil of Man grants consciousness. Born of human malice, a world of darkness surrounds us, bearing in upon us. Here dwell creatures of the soul's night, Shadows sustained by mortal fears and failings, manifest entities given power by the sins of Man."
Welcome to Jamie Beswarick's Shadows, where you'll find terrors to chill the soul and sculptures to whet the appetite of the discerning collector. The Shadows are a new polystone statue line created entirely by Weta Workshop Artist Jamie Beswarick. Jamie is a self taught Conceptual Designer and Sculptor and the creative genius responsible for designing the look of many creatures in Peter Jackson's "King Kong" and "The Lord of the Rings" film trilogy. The Shadows, in all their diabolical grandeur, represent Jamie's own unique interpretation of demonic entities drawn from mythology and ancient lore.
With this impressive new sculpture line, Jamie has been given free license to explore and reinterpret ancient myths surrounding demonic spirits and entities from a range of ancient cultures. It's a field of study that really interests him and offers a rich source of inspiration. Typically, demons and their ilk are realised in certain familiar forms. Movies and popular culture are replete with iconic devils and demons. Honouring these familiar forms in his new designs, but not slaved to them, Jamie has also sought to find a new and interesting spin that is all his own. His sculptures display a mix of traits drawn from ancient suggestion, some of his own original ideas and the final wash of anatomical authenticity that he always endeavours to bring to his creature designs.
Ifrit of the Jinn
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Harbringer of the Damned
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