The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince
Original price: USD $99
Limited edition of 100
Dimensions: 38 x 18 x 20 cm (H x W x D)
Weight: ?
Materials: Polystone
Announced/released June 30, 2009
Designed by: Stephen Crowe
Sculptors: Jamie Beswarick
Forced into hiding for centuries
by the relentless advance of the Telmarines, the Minotaurs and
their Narnian brethren have been biding their time, waiting for
the chance to emerge from myth and shadow and take back their
land. Now - united in arms under the banner of Prince Caspian,
their hour has come! Leading the charge into battle, the
Minotaurs fight for justice, freedom and to reinstate the
rightful heir to the throne of Narnia.
Designed as a high end collectible by Weta artist Stephen Crowe,
who also designed armour and weaponry for the film, the Minotaur
bust from Disney's The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian was
sculpted by Weta veteran Jamie Beswarick, and exudes power and
determination, a superb follow-up piece to the energetic Warrior
Satyr statue already announced.