Original price: USD $125
Limited edition of 3500
Scale: 1/6
Dimensions: 22.9 x 17.8 x 10.2 cm (H x W x D)
Weight: 1.2 kg
Materials: Polystone
Released: ?
Sculptors: Ben Hawker, Heather Kilgour
As Sauron puts forth his might against Gondor, he calls to him all those grim peoples under his sway. From Umbar in the south by way of the River Anduin come great black ships crewed by the fearsome Corsairs. A brutal race of men, the Umbarans are painted with tattoos and bear wicked arms to board and sack their prey on the seas. Now they sail north to answer the Dark Lord's call to war, their weapons at the ready and loaded, and their appetites for conquest whetted by the thought of the plunder to be taken in the fall of Minas Tirith.
With the final piece in the Sideshow Weta Lord of the Rings range, we pay tribute to the man who made the movies possible, Peter Jackson. Without Peter's vision, direction, and imagination, Tolkien's world could never have been realized so faithfully or flawlessly. We celebrate Peter's final cameo appearance in the Lord of the Rings trilogy as one of the corsair mercenaries, destined for a fateful encounter with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli.
Each piece is hand cast and hand painted, and the base is complete with the artists' signatures and edition information.