Original price: USD $120
Limited edition of 1000
Scale: 1/4
Dimensions Helm of a Gondorian Soldier: 15.3 x 6 x 6.7 cm (H x W x D)
Weight Helm of a Gondorian Soldier: 0.41 kg
Dimensions Helm of a Fountain Guard: 19.4 x 11.4 x 6.7 cm (H x W x D)
Weight Helm of a Fountain Guard: 0.54 kg
Dimensions Helm of a Citadel Guard: ? x 6 x 6.7 cm (H x W x D)
Weight Helm of a Citadel Guard: ?
Dimensions Helm of Faramir: 14.7 x 6 x 6 cm (H x W x D)
Weight Helm of Faramir: 0.38 kg
Materials: Metal, polystone (base)
Released: ?
Sculptors: Rebecca Asquith, Philip Fickling
The Gondorian Helm Collection features four of the helms from the defenders of Minas Tirith. Each helm is hand cast and hand painted, and includes a display base.
Helm of a Gondorian Soldier
The first defense against the might of Mordor, Gondor's infantry wear tall helms with long cheeks and sturdy nose guards to ward enemy blows. Thought the nation has fallen into disrepair, still the resolve of old Gondor etches the brows of her grim soldiers, enfolded within the stylized steel wings of sea birds and with a star upon their forehead. Sculptor: Rebecca Asquith
Helm of a Fountain Guard
A memory of Gondor of old remains yet in the statuesque Guards of the Court of the Fountain. Wrapped in black robes, beneath their mithril-inlaid helms, these grim sentinels mount a ceaseless watch over Minas Tirith's fountain and the sacred, leafless huske of the ancient White Tree that sprouts from it. Sculptor: Rebecca Asquith
Helm of a Citadel Guard
Charged with the defense of the White City, the Citadel Guards of Minas Tirith man the walls and battlements during the Siege of Gondor. Their lofty helms bear stylized birds' wings and stars, the noble heraldry of Gondor and gleam silver before the advancing darkness of Sauron's army on the plains below. Sculptor: Rebecca Asquith
Helm of Faramir
The unloved son of a mad Steward, Faramir is ordered to retake the city of Osgiliath in the face of impossible odds. Unwilling to disobay his father the Captain of Gondor dons his elegant helm and takes horse to lead his doughtly knights one last time. Upon his steel faceplate is empossed the livery of the empire he loves so well and the dead tree that was her heart and soul.
Sculptor: Philip Fickling