Home > The Museum > Gary Hunt Miniatures > Apocalyptic Amazon Metal Band

Gary Hunt Miniatures

Original price: USD $50
Open edition
Dimensions: -
Weight: -
Materials: Pewter
Released: 2016
Sold out: 2020
Artist: Gary Hunt Information about the artist

Good or bad, every war seems to have an unforgettable sound-track. In the latter years of the 21st century, anarchy and chaos rule, what better way to express this than Punk?

Bands of Amazons accompany their comrades to war, riding on tanks, speakers blaring, deafening the quiet farming communities that they frequently raid and pillage.

These Apocalyptic Amazon Metal Band 28/30 mm pewter figures have been lovingly created by Gary Hunt, a sculptor, and designer who has worked for the past 17 years with Weta Workshop on films, public art, and collectibles. Originally hailing from Somerset, England, he first heeded the call when news of Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy became public. Heading to New Zealand with little more than a backpack, a toothbrush, and some example sculpts, he later joined 3ft 6 and Weta Workshop's team and helped to bring Middle Earth to life.

"I guess I always had an interest in making miniature figures. It started as a hobby and then I realized I could just bust out my own ideas"
Gary Hunt - Sculptor


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