Dr. Grordbort's
Original price: USD -
Limited edition of 1
Scale: 1/1
Dimensions: 27 x 35 x 10 cm (HxWxD)
Weight: -
Materials: Metal, glass, resin
Released: Unreleased
Painter and customiser: David Tremont 
Lord Bindington Synge, renowned naturist and explorer made famous for not coming back. Early in the century, Synge led an expedition into unknown regions of Venus in order to catalogue and collect new specimens for preservation and study. His group failed to return so a rescue mission was dispatched and finally found his famed Goliathon raygun and other detritus deep in the Borgarian Hinterland.
The only clues to the whereabouts of the team, were large claw marks on the side of the Goliathon presumably inflicted by the last discovery of Lord Bindington Synge.
The weapon - Artefact - is a standard Goliathon 83 Infinity Beam Projector. However, Synge had a peculiar penchant for decorating his weapon with souvenirs of the field
Perhaps his supposed target souvenired him in the end. Poetic! Either way - this strapping gun of course does NOT come with any of its original packaging or accessories, as it was found in the field, but we will supply a Universal Gun Stand for display purposes.